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Day 13: Write Colossians 2:6-7 on a Notecard


Scripture Highlight: “Since you have received Christ Jesus, live your whole life in our Savior. Send your roots deep and grow strong in Christ—firmly established in the faith you’ve been taught, and full of thanksgiving." —Colossians 2:6-7

Reflection:Today’s challenge invites you to pause and write down Colossians 2:6-7 on a notecard, bringing this scripture closer to heart and mind. In our faith journey, it’s easy to feel like we’re constantly moving forward without pausing to reconnect to the root of it all. But the Apostle Paul reminds us that spiritual growth doesn’t just mean forward motion; it also means going deeper—being rooted and built up in Christ.

When we are “rooted and built up,” our faith finds strength in God’s love and wisdom, allowing us to stand firm regardless of what comes our way. Writing this verse on a notecard and reflecting on it throughout the day encourages us to remember God’s love as the foundation for our daily lives, grounding us in gratitude. Just as a plant thrives when its roots are deep, we flourish when we’re rooted in God’s presence, where we find the source of all we need. Gratitude, then, becomes a natural response—an overflow of the life-giving connection we have in Christ.


Scripture Study (Optional Extended Reading): Colossians 2:1-10 In Colossians 2:1-10, Paul emphasizes the mystery and depth of our relationship with Christ. He encourages believers to remain steadfast and guard against philosophies that might lead them away from the truth of the gospel. Paul uses phrases like “rooted and built up” and “strengthened in the faith,” reminding us that spiritual depth requires both stability and growth. These words guide us to a life marked by both knowledge and practice—learning more about God while living in gratitude and love each day.

As we allow our roots to grow deeper, we are drawn into God’s presence and truth, gaining both resilience and peace. This scripture encourages us to live intentionally, grounded in faith, knowing that true thankfulness flows from a heart connected to God’s unwavering presence.


Reflection Questions:

  1. What does it mean to you to be “rooted and built up” in Christ, especially in times of change or uncertainty?

  2. How can you incorporate gratitude into your day-to-day life, even when you’re faced with challenges?

  3. Reflect on a time when your faith was strengthened by grounding yourself in God’s love. How did that experience shape your spiritual journey?

  4. What are some ways you can “overflow with thankfulness” in your interactions with others this week?


Prayer: God of all wisdom and strength, help me to stay grounded in Your love and truth. May my faith grow deeper each day as I seek to be rooted in You. Let my life be filled with thankfulness for all You have done, and let that gratitude overflow, touching those around me. May Your presence be my foundation and my strength, grounding me in all things. Amen.


Call to Action: Write Colossians 2:6-7 on a notecard and keep it with you today. Reflect on it whenever you need a reminder to stay rooted in gratitude. For those who want to share, what other Bible verses about thankfulness resonate with you?

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